Saturday, October 4, 2008

Buying Toxic Paper With Toxic Paper

Does anyone else find it ironic that this economic mess that has been created by the government and the Fed is going to be fixed by the same guys using the same procedures used to get us here.

Think about it carefully. We all know that our currency is the proverbial emperor's new clothes. It is a "note" that has no real value. It is bad debt, toxic paper if you will.

The Fed and the central government are proposing to "buy up" bad debts using dollars(bad debt). It would seem to be a pretty even trade except that they will place a value on each dollar created (lower of course than the previous value due to monetary inflation) and require us to pay that back somehow. The result is a governmental collection agency subsidized by the taxpayer.

Uncle Sam will give us the responsibility to come up with the shortfall on their bad "bailout" investments directly, while indirectly we will have a much less valuable dollar to use for this shortfall. Pretty soon $700 billion becomes $7 trillion.


Jeff ( Va. Rebel ) said...

Seems like it all boils down to just stalling the inevitable .

I think they ought to install one of those New York national debt clocks in all major cities .
Give window shoppers something to really think about .

Side note - did you ever think you would note the day $3.39 a gallon was a good find ( price here ) ? Wonder how long til restrictions start up again ?
Also , noting increased night time exercises on military bases around here -
routine ?

Damon Crowe said...

I took a screen shot of one of the national debt clock on my Representative's (yeah right) website before the bailout package passed just to compare over time.

Gasoline is $3.65 p/g here. It is often opined that the amount of fuel used by our military had driven up demand, thus costs.

Noting military exercises, I have seen more military aircraft in this area in the past 6 months. I do not know if it means anything at all, but interesting nonetheless.