Thursday, October 23, 2008


I do not have time to tease you with any quotes, just go here and read the whole thing. I will update later today.


Anonymous said...

Excellent article.

The author commented that moral decadence almost always follows war. Interestingly, the moral decadence of the 1960's wasn't confined to the US but rather was a Western civilization phenomenon. The only common thread between the West that may explain the collapse of the traditional (Christian) value system: WW2.

Something to think about.

Thanks Damon.

Damon Crowe said...

ben in 'bama,

Thanks for the thought. I had not considered that.

I have asked Dr Dilsaver about a theory behind why this would be the case, I will comment on it as soon as I hear something.

BTW, ya'll have one heckuva' ball team down there this year. Might even be a national title game.

Anonymous said...

I know man, Saban's got 'Bama playing at a pretty high level right now. We'll see if they can keep it up. No game is a gimme in the SEC conference!
