Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The New Standing Army

If the Framers could only see us now!

Beginning today, October 1, our military "might" will be assigned to the most dangerous part of the world. Yep, that's right. Good ol' America.

U.S. Northern Command has put together a dedicated force of military troops to support local authorities in case of attack, accident, or natural disaster.

As Chuck Baldwin put it, though,

If Hurricane Katrina is the template that our federal government is using as a model for future events, Heaven help us! Do readers remember how National Guard troops were used to confiscate the personal firearms of isolated and vulnerable civilians shortly after that hurricane devastated the New Orleans area? Do you remember how representatives of the federal government were calling upon pastors and ministers to act as spokesmen for gun confiscation?

Is this what the new Army brigade is preparing for? And do President Bush and his military planners envision an even broader role for military troops on American soil?

One may find NorthCom's objective interestingly "honest."

The stated reason for its existence is "protecting our people, national power, and freedom of action."

Some read this as the federal government protecting THEIR people, expanding THEIR national power, and insuring freedom of THEIR actions despite Constitutional restraints.


Jeff ( Va. Rebel ) said...

Greetings from Virginia ... looks like yer putting together a great blog here .

" Some read this as the Federal government protecting THEIR people ..."

Yep , I'm one of those somebodies too .

I'm continually amazed at the
" cluelessness " folks exhibit when you try and discuss any wrong doings on the part of their
" guvmint " .

Or if they're aware , they're completely unable to accept the depth of their evil ways .

They cannot even assimilate the
"milk" , how can we ever get to the "meat" issues ?

Have any of these federal organizations done anything appreciable to stop crime , drug use , illegal invasion , ad nauseum .

A good portion of the patriotic and Christian populace know where the evil is , and could be well on the way to erasing it ... but we all know that would not be allowed .

Labeled vigilantism , radical extremism - civil unrest indeed but this righteous type is not to be condoned . Boo and hiss to that program they bleat !

There is method to their madness and I don't think we're gonna like the results - hence their build up for the expectant response .

Thanks for the links , will check in depth . Always enjoy yer comments on Rebellion blog . Take care .

Damon Crowe said...


Thanks for your kind words.

This is a major step for DC and I do hope it is met with opposition. On the other hand, apathy runs deep and wide here and elsewhere.

Though, I must say that it would seem that there is a growing constituency in the seccession and "liberty" movements.

As they say in your great state, sic semper tyrannis!

Anonymous said...


Damon Crowe said...


It truly seems that secession is the only alternative given the fact that when government seizes this amount of control it most certainly will not peacefully relinquish it as history has proved.

On the other hand, while I see the "alter and abolish" philosophy slowly creeping back, what the movement needs is unity with Christianity as its prerequisite.

Thanks for the comment.