Monday, November 3, 2008

Rights License

What is a privilege? What is the difference between rights and privileges. These are questions that Americans should know the answer to, but sadly too many do not even care. The citizens have relinquished all rights not knowing or not standing up for rights that they did not choose to exercise.

The State has found a new source of revenue in licensing rights. It is simple. They redefine rights as being privileges granted by the State. They have become gods to themselves granting men privileges to do such things as work, marry, travel, bear arms, etc., etc.

It seems the greater part of the population is eager to go along with such tyranny. In Tennessee, one is required to have a business license in order to be self-employed. This was particularly disturbing to me when I received a letter from the state requiring me to get a license to work for myself.

My simple argument was that God commands men to work and so the state cannot possibly require man to be licensed for doing what God commands.

I further stated that it was completely against good sense to require me to get a license for "making good use of one's self." (While the welfare roles are neither taxed nor licensed, I am required to pay tribute to the State so that I can be a productive member of society?)

I made these points to my state senator along with the fact that the Tennessee does not have the authority to license rights and starting a business or simply working without an employer is as basic a right as breathing.

It was one of the few times that I have not received any correspondence back from a politician, but lo and behold, I never received another letter from the state!

The pervasive problem that has arisen with governments is that they have redefined terms. One may find examples of this at every turn. Perhaps the worst lately is the new definitions of "terrorists."

In redefining words and dumbing down the Constitution, the State has cleared the way for all sorts of legislation. The rights that the governments have declared to be privileges are far too many to list here, but folks need to start opening their eyes and choosing a few battles. If every "sole proprietor" would refuse to get the business license, the State would have to address the grievances and declare their outright tyranny or capitulate.

If citizens would address the "handgun carry license," as a right rather than a privilege, then folks could arm themselves for protection for free. Seems like having the tools to defend one's self should be a basic right, doesn't it?

The problem that has occurred is that folks have become complacent. They are unwilling to stand up against government for fear of being labeled unpatriotic, while ignoring that the real Patriots did just that!

It is important to understand that when a license is required for an activity, the activity is illegal. At the point that the state "gives one permission" in the form of a license, it is then legal for the holder of the license to perform the activity.

Simply put, working is not illegal. Fishing in a boat with a motor is not illegal. Harvesting animals for food is not illegal. Becoming a nurse, lawyer, doctor, surveyor, contractor, etc. is not illegal.

But the requirement of a license from the state makes all of these activities and many, many more illegal. In fact, there are very few vocations that have not been licensed.

It is time for this madness to stop. But it will not unless people DEMAND it. It cannot be stressed enough that tyrants never, ever, EVER relinquish power!

It is going to take an educated society to stop this business of redefining rights. It starts with every single person who is aware of what is going on. Without educating others and standing up to the various levels of government, we should expect to see this not only perpetuate, but multiply.


Danby said...

I would take one exception. Since wild animals and freshwater fish are legally property of the state, it does make sense to license hunting and fishing. In everything else, you are correct.

Damon Crowe said...

My first post has been deleted because of a bad, bad typo. Here is the intended response.


Thanks for your comment and reading the Anti-Federalists.
I would like to challenge your statement, though, on a theological level and a political level.

WHY does the state "own" the animals in its jurisdiction?
The most common answer is only a pragmatic one. It is that folks will extinguish a species.

This is a problem, but hunting license has gone further than that and it is God that "owns" the animals and has given them to man for his dominion.

We are called to be good stewards of what has been given us, but the state requires a license for harvesting ANYTHING.

To whittle my challenge down to simple terms; under what authority are animals and fish "legal property" of the state?

Thanks again for your opinion. It does make me THINK which WE all should be doing more as I am sure you'll agree.

Anonymous said...

I agree Damon, it's necessary to question why the state "owns" the fish and the animals. They obviously do not, nor do they have the authority to make such a claim. I'm thinking that it's more about "experts" co-opting government to create an elite band of bureacrats that have meaning and purpose in life...and a well paying job with benefits generally superior to those of the average private company.

As a member of B.A.S.S I'd like to point out that the catch and release program started in the '70s has been highly successful in keeping bass populations at a high level. It's also worth noting that this a private organization comprised of people with a common interest in preserving something they love. Imagine that. The government doesn't have a monopoly on conservation efforts after all.

However, individuals within private organizations like B.A.S.S don't get paid as well as co-opting government to create jobs for them. Sad but true.

Damon Crowe said...

Thanks, Ben,

And yes, sportsmen and sporting groups have done more for propagating the various species than bureaucracy ever will.

Jeff ( Va. Rebel ) said...

That has always been my objection also - where does the state get the right , to grant me the right to do anything ?

If they have the power to grant , they have the power to revoke ... or deny .
They set the criteria .

I reckon it boils down to jurisdiction , and whose authority one subjects themselves unto . Caesar or God .
This distinction permeates our society but we don't recognize it as such .

I used to believe it was the assigning of our social security numbers that traps us in their system . But God has a way to ensure we are His even though we exist and labor in babylon -

Colossians 1 : 9 - 14

( that word - power , in vs. 13 can be translated as - authority / jurisdiction )

There's our entrance into His kingdom .

Jeff ( Va. Rebel ) said...

I no longer belong to Caesar !

Damon Crowe said...


Well said.