Friday, September 19, 2008

The Emperor Is Naked!

Here is another market story that should not be missed. While the money gods of this country and others are making a complete wreck out of our economy with fractional reserve banking via fiat money, they are telling us all that they are actually saving us by bailing out the financial institutions and possibly those that insure them in a deal that could run as much as $1 trillion. Yes, trillion.

President George Bush said the threat to the American economy meant he had to take radical action 'to protect our nation's health from serious risk'.
Gordon Brown hinted similar action could be taken in the UK after promising to do 'whatever is necessary to make sure people have confidence in the system'.

I love that, "whatever is necessary to make sure people have confidence in the system."

Does anyone else think this sounds like the two swindlers that sold the emperor a new set of clothes?

The best part of it?
Hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayers' money will be used, but it is not clear
whether they will be paid back in full.
Aw shucks, Uncle Sam. You just keep it. Consider it "thanks" for the new clothes.

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